Thursday, March 16, 2017

Game Changing Idea that came from an Error or Accident

Game-changing Idea that came from an Error or Accident
The act and skill of innovation and inventions have gone through lots of challenges and sometimes these ideas which look good can end up in great accidental errors. From a research extracted, according to English (2013, some of these inventions range from sticky notes, Corn Flakes and dynamite all the way to microwave ovens and Velcro). There have been a number of great ideas within our generation in the health and wellness industry which has brought good change to the male and the human race. The great changing idea of the discovery of the male enhancement pill such as the Viagra.
In the field of medical science research into the use of medicine and drugs is very well examine however in the case of Viagra the innovation was initially meant to help patients with angina, that is patient suffering from painful heart condition where the circulatory system constricts and does not get enough oxygenated blood to the heart. The innovation was meant to treats the illness failed but however the patient discovered a side effect which was the drug generating blood flow to the male organ. This failed innovation has become one if not the best life changing innovation in our century.
Coca Cola 
Looking out for some of the world’s innovation which came out from an error into
a game changing idea. The most liked soda came to mind. Coca cola is one of the
most drank sodas. Research review that coca cola was invented by an error and the
need to drink alcohol. In the early 1885 there was a banned on the sale of alcohol.
Dr. Pemberton having the desire to drink alcohol created a purely coca-based
mixture of the syrup and mixed with carbonated water which he drank as a
soda in place of the alcohol which as banned (John Stith Pemberton 1831 - 1888). The outcome of the mixture
was a perfect drink for the temperance era. The name was the “brain tonic”
which is known as the most drank Coca Cola.

English, M. (2013). 10 Accidental Inventions You Won’t Believe. Retrieved from

Friday, March 10, 2017

New Think Tank

The concept of gathering the best of brains and expertise from different sectors to enhance the implementation of an innovation that is hope to bring about great changes in a specific area can be known as the Think Tank. Within certain areas that this concept is used, the gathering of the expert is normally funded by the government. 
Think Tank is mostly used when organizations want to gain the knowledge and expertise from those concerns but do not have the available funds to run an innovation center (Penttila, 2007). The concept is adopted so that the require answer can be achieved. There are various forms of the Think Tank concept but I will discuss two such concepts.
Take it online:  This process enhances all involve parties to brainstorm the topic and can deliver the founding at any given time. A similar technique that can be used and has the same overview is the Delphi technique what gather ideas from experts who are all not that the same location. This type of brainstorming methods help the involve individuals to address the topic when much accuracy, since they are not under mass pressure to deliver their findings in rush. Since all the expert have enough time to come out with their results, every member in the group can contribute productively (Caliva & Scheier, 1992)
Combine ideas: The concept is implemented when during the process of brainstorming several well-informed ideas are gathered. Once there are several good ideas, this concept helps and encourage the merging of this ideas. This greater room for quality decision making due to mass ideas gathered. The concept also brings to like to but of both worlds there by getting the best out of the lot. This methodology help to get the best out of each individual member.

Think Tank is a very powerful tool to adopt around creation and innovation. The best way to get the best ideas in every area of change is through the act of collective sharing to ideas and the Think Tank concept make good use of the sharing and gathering of ideas through various concepts such those just discussed.

Reference :
Penttila, C. (2007)
5 Big Biz Think Tank Techniques
Caliva L  & Scheier , I H (1992)
Retrieved :

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Group Decision Making

The research process always involves groups of knowledge and at a point a decision must be made by the various groups involve in the research. These individuals play a major role in the overall research. Making a group decision on a research can be carried out in so many techniques. For this DB, we will look in the Delphi Technique of group decision making.
  Delphi Technique
 The adaptation of this technique in a decision-making process is normally used when the researcher involve in the research are physically located in different areas. is a group decision-making process that can be used by decision-making groups when the individual members are in different physical locations. A brief history about this technique reveals that this technique was initially designed by the Rand corporation. In the usage of this technique the individuals are chosen base on their various expertise in the data being process. The technique requires that each group member independently contribute by providing ideas, input and alternative solutions if the need be. These idea sharing is done various stages within the process. These collected ideas can be shared through various ways and forms i.e. Fax, Email and other forms of social network.
Further considering this technique let compare the two of the similar technique use in group decision making.  

Dialectical Inquiry: This approach involves the challenge of debating. Due to the nature of this decision-making technique the involves are place at opposite sides thereby creating a room for the decision reached to be brainstormed and challenged by the opposite side. This technique enable both parties to be heard. And finally, the best outcome is made in with final decision.

Looking at this two techniques in decision making both has their pros and cons . Each one places great focus on the effect of the final decision made with regards to the research conducted .One common thing with this techniques is the there is a lot of brainstorming and this is a sign of a good decision been made.


Barnett, T. (n.d.). Group decision making.