Friday, December 16, 2016

Planning and Forecasting 2

The development and growth of a business or organization depends on how the organizations predict and forecast for the future where the organization will be in the next generation. It is very important that a detail analysis is taken into the serious consideration and plan put in place to enable the organization to define the future and growth of the organization. With the advancement of data generation and collection , predication of the future and  forecasting the outcome of the organization is very important . There are various predication and forecasting in the various field which came to reality. One such predication was recorded as cited 1988 prediction that the famous author Isaac Asimov predicted that we would use the internet to learn (Maceiras, 2013)
  The predication was hoping to connect the human race and machines there by enhancing the ability to study. This lead to him forecasting the event and the levels of the element it will address. This predication was believing to turn the libraries into a class where learning is conducted by books instead of a teacher. Some of the forces that affected the internet coming of age and learning thought the internet a reality was the ushering of high speed networks (Lerner, 2006) and accessibility. During that era the use of the computer was very limited and as mainly for the office hence computer was called the office PC.
This predication and idea is further extended today with concepts like virtual reality and augmented reality that can take an individual and transport them into a new place or new environment within the confines of their own home anywhere in the world.   This type of power is what Isaac Asimov said in this interview and visualized in his mind was a possible future shaped by additional forces.
Taking a look at this event show how important for a detail in deeper research into the topic and predication and forecasting within a business or organization. Isaac Asimov predication years ago has now become a reality. Today the internet has turn the entire world into a global village and truly the library is now the teacher. With this predication and forecasting our generation today can get things done faster.
In summary it is very important the future of things done today have to be taken a critical look so that it will drive the force for the next generation. Forecasting and predications have to be taken great look at in all event and organizations must make is a point have long time and short time forecasting and predication which will advance growth and stability of the business or organizations.

Leiner, B. M. (2006). Brief history of the internet . Retrieved from
Maceiras, M. (2013). Predictions from the past that came true. Business Insider , 8.

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